Application for Transfer certificate,T.C 2022

 Hello guys , if you are a student of class 6 to 8 ,you can't buy a book for find or read your nessesary things like paragraph ,formal letter , informal letter, graph chart or anything else . Don't worry we are hear for you to give you those things for your help. You need not to say thanks after finding this.

Now in this article we came to you for telling you about your needfull formal letter which name is application for a transfer certificate . Since you are my varieties audience , you can be under class 8 students,SSC Students or HSC Students. So I want to give you three specific formal letter for my different audience or visitor.

Now let's go to our plan list for this post:

    1.Aplication for transfer certificate class 6-8.

    2.Aplication for transfer certificate for SSC Exam .

    3.Aplication for transfer certificate HSC Exam.

At fast we have to know why we have to read update letter for every step of our life exams .Look my friends ,Every class gives us new and specific experience.So , we have to show such of this to our examiner who will see our exam notes.

1. Application for Transfer certificate for class (6-8)/JSC Exam .



The headmaster

APL secondary school,rupsha, khulna

Subject: Application for a transfer certificate


I beg to state that I am a student of class (6-8)on you school .My father is a government employee . He has been transferred from khulna to Chittagong.My family has been already gone there . I have no reletive in this city.So, I need a transfer certificate.

In this circumstances,I pray and hope that you would be kind enough to allot me a transfer certificate and obliged there by.

Your obediently,

Md Arnob Sheikh

Class :(6-8) Roll:01

2.Aplication for a transfer certificate for SSC Exam .



The headmaster

APL secondary school,rupsha, khulna

Subject: Application for a transfer certificate


I beg to state that I am a student of class 10 on you school .My father is a government employee who has been transferred from khulna to Chittagong.My family has been already shifted there . I have no reletive in this city.So, I need a transfer certificate

In this circumstances,I pray and hope that you would be kind enough to allot me transfer certificate and obliged there by.

Your obediently,

Md Arnob Sheikh

Class :10 Roll:01

3.Aplication for transfer certificate HSC Exam.



The headmaster

APL college ,rupsha, khulna

Subject: Application for a transfer certificate


I beg to state that I am a student of class xii on your college .My father is a government employee who has been transferred from khulna to Chittagong.My family has been already shifted there . But I have no reletive in this city. I am suffering for much want of accomodations. It is impossible that I will carry my study In your college .so,I need a transfer certificate for admit another college on Chittagong.

With this circumstances,I pray and hope that you would be kind enough to allot me a transfer certificate and obliged there by.

Your obediently,

Md Arnob Sheikh

Class :XII Roll:01

This is the solution of your problem about an application . Please don't say me thanks Because I will thank you for seeing my blog post and stay with me .

For know about SSC Exam sususugges English you can visit our site:

SSC EXAM English Suggestion

Visit for HSC Exam suggestion:

HSC Exam suggestion English.

Visit for paragraph :

Eve teasing.traffic jam.winter morning.drug addiction.

For visit Formal letter:

Application for a seat in school hostel.

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                      ""Thank you""

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