Paragraph, Pahela Baishakh, Dowry system , A Book Fair English second part for SSC ,HSC,class 6-8.

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In this content you find :

1.Pahela Baishakh 

2.Dowry system

3.A Book Fair 

                     Pahela Baishakh 

The first day of Bangla year is called Pahela Baishakh. We celebrate this day to mark the beginning of the lst day of Bangla New Year. The day is celebrated with traditional festivities across the country. The rural people arrange Baishakhi Mela on this day. Shopkeepers open halkhata and offer sweets to their customers and clients. The day has a special attraction for the town people. They rise early in the morning. They put on their best dress that is payjama and punjabi. They take panta rice with dried pepper. They pass the whole day in great joy and forget the sufferings of life for the time being. In the town different organisations arrange meeting, seminar, symposium, discussion. Different cultural organisations arrange various kinds of cultural functions. Pahela Baishakh has a great significance. It reflects our age old tradition and culture. It bears the testimony to. the fact that we have a culture of our own. It is the manifestation of our cultural hertiage. 

                       Dowry system

Dowry means property or money brought by a bride to her husband when they marry. Usually in our society female children are considered inferior to male children. They are thought to be of no use to the family. So, during marriage ceremony a section of greedy people claim much wealth or money from the guardians of the brides. The poor and illiterate girls mainly become the victims of dowry. If the guardians fail to fulfil the demand of their bridegroom, they misbehave with their wives and sometimes torture them seriously. As a result many of them get divorced or commit suicide or are killed by their husbands. This system has affected our whole society. At present a father cannot thínk of the marriage of his daughter without giving dowry to the bridegroom. I am dead against this evil system of the society. This evil system should be uprooted from the society immediately. This social curse can be elimínated by changing the outlook of the people especially the male members of the society and by taking strict legal measures against the persons who take dowry.

                          A Book Fair 

A book faír is a fair where different types of books are brought for sale and show. A book fair is usually held in the month of January and February. In our country it is held in almost all cities and towns. The largest book fair is organized by Bangla Academy on the occasion of the 21 February. The main purpose of a book fair is not sale but it offers a rare opportunity to assess the advancement made in publication of books. It hcips to create new writers as well as new readers. It inspires people to form the habit of reading books. A book fair bears the testimony of the refined tastes and national culture of a country. A book fair reminds us that books are our best companions. They change our outiook on life and widen our domain of knowledge. Again we get these best friends at a cheaper rate from a book fair. In order to organize the fair a committee is formed. The committee makes ail the arrangements to make the fair successful. Some practical measures should be taken to make the fair successful. There should have arrangement ol refreshment. Serminars and cultural programmes should be arranged. Moreover, strict security measures should be taken. The government should encourage the writers and the publishers to publish creative books. Books should be soid at a cheap price. 

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